Humber River Shakespeare Co.
Toronto Address:
24 Burnhamthorpe Rd #208
Toronto, ON
M9A 1G8
King Address:
P.O. Box 834
Nobleton, ON
L0G 1N0
Phone: 416-209-2026

Sara Moyle
Co-founder and Artistic Producer for Humber River Shakespeare, Sara attended Ryerson in Theatre Acting and completed her degree in Creative Writing from York University. Since then, Sara has enjoyed performing in various Shakespeare productions, many of them in the great outdoors. For Driftwood Theatre, Sara’s credits include: Macbeth, A Comedy of Errors, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream; for Shakespeare in the Rough, A Merchant of Venice; for Theatre By The Bay, Much Ado About Nothing; and for Humber River Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night, A Christmas Carol, The Taming of the Shrew, Much Ado About Nothing, and Macbeth. Sara played Juliet in the Dora Award winning theatrical dance piece Romeo/Juliet: Remixed in Toronto and Philadelphia with Spark Productions. Sara is an Artist Educator, having worked with Driftwood Theatre, Tempest Theatre, Shakespeareience, and most recently with Pleiades Theatre.
(Back to Cast and Creative - A Christmas Carol)